First Year Engineering Design Showcase 2023
I am thrilled to share that our Frogger game clinched the second spot at the First Year Engineering Design Showcase FYED 2023 held at Ohio State. Our innovative design and technical finesse were on display, earning accolades for our creative approach to gaming.
Code Snippet:
% function to control the movement of the sprites that traverse the road
% and river
function movementSpriteControl()
% see function 'initVars' for all variable informations
% global variable initializations
global frogPos;
global topL;
global bottomL;
global blankL
global movementRows;
global shiftAmount;
global enemies;
% Circularily shift the positions of the sprites unless it has reached one
% side of the sceen and if so, restart its position at the other end of the screen
% Refresh scene and/ or frog position after each iteration
for i = movementRows % for each row that moves
if mod(i, 2) == 1 || i == 6 % if its an odd row or if its the row containing the snake,
% if the frog is on the row and is not touching an enemy or the
% water:
if frogPos(1) == i && (~ismember(topL(i, frogPos(2)), enemies) && topL(i, frogPos(2)) ~= 1)
frogPos(2) = frogPos(2) - shiftAmount; % shift the frog position
if frogPos(2) == 0 % if the frog is in an illegal position,
% decrement lives and reset its position
% else: print updated result to layer given that the frog
blankL(i, :) = circshift(blankL(i, :), [0, -shiftAmount]);
refreshScene(); % refresh the scene
elseif frogPos(1) == i && (ismember(topL(i, frogPos(2)), enemies) ...
|| bottomL(i, frogPos(2)) == 21) % if the frog is touching an enemy
resetFrogPos(true); % reset frog position and decrement lives by one
% finally, shift the entire top layer
topL(i, :) = circshift(topL(i, :), [0, -shiftAmount]);
else % repeat all above steps if the row is an even row
if frogPos(1) == i && (~ismember(topL(i, frogPos(2)), enemies) && topL(i, frogPos(2)) ~= 1)
frogPos(2) = frogPos(2) + shiftAmount;
if frogPos(2) == 12
blankL(i, :) = circshift(blankL(i, :), [0, shiftAmount]);
elseif frogPos(1) == i && (ismember(topL(i, frogPos(2)), enemies) || bottomL(i, frogPos(2)) == 21)
topL(i, :) = circshift(topL(i, :), [0, shiftAmount]);
xCheck(); % check for frog death
refreshScene(); % refresh the scene
Code Functionality
This function orchestrates sprite movements, managing frog-enemy interactions and screen boundaries. Notable features include circular shifting of row elements and dynamic updates to the game scene. Our emphasis on modular design enhances readability and maintainability.
Showcase Recognition
Our Frogger game's success at FYED 2023 speaks volumes about our ability to blend engineering principles with creative gameplay. The meticulous implementation of code played a pivotal role in achieving the second-place recognition.